Contact Us
Dianne would love to talk to you about the ARK of Hope
Rescue or about the animals here for adoption. If you can
help out in any way..... Please call. We are always looking
for suggestions on ways that funding can be raised.
ARK of Hope Rescue 13400 Arctic Ridge Lane Oldtown, MD 21555 (301) 478-3300
ARK of Hope Rescue's E-mail:
Please make correspondence attention to Dianne Care
Donations of any kind are always welcome. Of course money
is needed -- badly! -- but there are other ways people can
help these poor animals that are so depending on all of us.
Right now we need Kuranda Beds (see picture below),
Scoopable Cat Litter, Frontline for dogs and cats, dry and
canned food for dogs and cats, blankets, pet toys, etc.
Donations--whether it is building supplies, gift cards, or
items that can be sold at auctions or eBay--everything is
greatly appreciated. We are always looking for suggestions
on ways that funding can be raised. We need -- the animals
need -- everyone's help, donations, and support! Thanks.
a donation right here, online!!!
And remember your donation is tax deductible!
So many people have been asking if we accept credit cards to
make a donation...HERE IT IS!!! We have PayPal set up on our
site. Anyone wanting to help the Ark of Hope
Rescue with donations will now be able to do so by using
their credit cards or check cards, all in a secure site! It
is as easy as clicking the "Make a Donation" button below,
you will be taken to a safe and secure site, it's as easy as
1,2,3. We are so excited!!! We are trying to make it easier
for you to get that "warm fuzzy feeling" that you'll get by
making a donation to help these poor, defenseless animals
get a second chance. Thank You, in advance for your help!
You can also mail a donation.
Make your check out to: The Ark of Hope Rescue, Inc. and mail to:
Ark of Hope Rescue
13400 Arctic Ridge Lane Oldtown, MD 21555
Dog Beds
Our dogs (and cats!) love to sleep on Kuranda dog beds, but we don't
have enough for everyone. If you would like to donate a bed
at a special wholesale price for another dog to sleep in
comfort, please
click here. Remember your donation is tax
We are sending out a monthly newsletter now. If you would
like to add something to it, make a donation in memory of or
in honor of someone (2 legged or 4) that will also be
printed in the next newsletter, or if there is a topic that
you would like info on and think that others would enjoy
reading about please contact Dianne. A few people have asked
if I would print a poem or a story that they have written;
absolutely, as long as it relates to animals. Our
newsletters are emailed to people to save on stamps,
envelopes, etc. we feel that the $50.00 or so that would be
spent on postage should go to the dogs needs. If there is
someone that does not have the internet then we will mail
those newsletters to them. If you would like our newsletters
emailed to you or if you know someone who would enjoy them
please drop me a note (email, snail mail or call) and tell
me your email address or your friend or family's email or
mailing address and they will receive the very next month's
Contact Form
We would love to hear what you think of our site as well as any suggestions
you may have. If your heart is leading you into becoming a sponsor please add
that as well and we will get back in touch with you soon. All information will
be kept confidential.
Due to an avalanche of spam, our contact form has been discontinued. Please contact us by phone or email.