The Ark of Hope Rescue

A "No-Kill" Animal Rescue Organization

13400 Arctic Ridge Lane
Oldtown, MD 21555
Phone: 301-478-3300

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Happy Endings #4

Casper (left) was a kitten born at the Ark of Hope after her Mom was brought to the rescue. The litter was born on April, Friday 13th, 2007 so all the kittens were named with a Spooky theme. Jimmy adopted Casper so that he and his other cat could share their homes and hearts with the new playful, furry addition to their family. Way To Go Jimmy! Yeah for Casper!



Phantom (right) is Casper's brother. He was also adopted by a family that already had a cat. The last update was that both cats are getting along "purr-fectly!"







Sweet "Little Bear" (left) is here with her new Mom & Dad - Gretchen & Matthew. Little Bear has been renamed Riley. Take a look at how happy all three are.  Do you think that Little Bear/Riley knows that she is going to her new home to start her second chance for a wonderful life that she deserves?!!!



Sugar (right), who is now "Beauty" is being carried off to her new home by her Dad, John. Waiting for them to return home will be Beauty's new Mom, Regan and her new brother "Beast." Sounds like this could be the next NBC primetime show! She's ready to start her new life with her new loving family! Yippee!!!




Co-Co (left) has a new mom and dad! Woohoo!!!







Click here for more Happy Endings!